Health and Safety Policy

Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems Pty Ltd is committed to provide a healthy and safe work environment and meet its duty of care responsibilities under WHS legislation.

This policy shows our commitment to:

  • our workers' health and safety
  • removing or reducing risks to the health and safety of all workers, contractors and visitors to our workplace and anyone else who may be affected by our operations
  • ensuring all work activities are done safely
  • a collaborative approach to identify and solve health and safety issues with our workers
  • continuously improving work health and safety by addressing hazards and reviewing outcomes.

Everyone has a responsibility for safety, their own and that of others.

Our responsibilities as the Person Conducting or Undertaking Business (PCBU) are:

  • ensuring our responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 are met
  • taking reasonable steps to provide and maintain a safe working environment and plant and equipment in a safe condition
  • providing ways for workers to be informed about and involved in health and safety issues at work
  • providing information, instruction and training needed to make sure that all workers are safe from injury and risks to their health and safety
  • conducting regular workplace inspections
  • ensuring this policy and all safe work procedures are kept up to date

Our Workers must:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and for safety of others in the workplace
  • follow reasonable instructions given by the Cirrus Management to protect their health and safety
  • identify and report any workplace incidents or hazards to their supervisor
  • not wilfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided

Our Visitors and Contractors must:

  • comply with our safety policy and procedures
  • not put themselves or any other person at the workplace at risk