Tactical Electronic Warfare System

The Tactical Electronic Warfare (TACEW) system provides end to end training for the EW operators of the RAN’s Major Fleet Units (MFU’s), with all of the relevant equipment and interactions between equipment emulated, and the impact of environmental factors and the signal processing operations within the equipment simulated. This includes antennae, receivers, spectral analysers, collected data pulse analysis tools, common operating picture suites, countermeasures controllers and other equipment items. Trainees learn how to utilise equipment to detect and identify intercepted pulses, manage countermeasure responses to real time threats and conduct signal analysis. Highly complex and dynamic scenarios enable trainees to experience the interactions between emitters and own ship equipment encompassing geometries, emitter types, and environmental and terrain impacts. TACEW provides instructors flexible tools to create, edit and run scenarios, and to assess the performance of trainees.

TACEW is in operational use at the Electronic Warfare Section of the Maritime Warfare School at HMAS Watson. 


...dynamic scenarios enable trainees to experience the interactions between emitters and own ship equipment encompassing geometries, emitter types, and environmental and terrain impacts.